
Help change the life of a youth aging out of the foster care system


Help change the life of a youth aging out of the foster care system


Help change the life of a youth aging out of the foster care system

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Most residents of Santa Clarita, California, would be surprised to know that hundreds of young adult foster youth are living among us. These youth, who are aging out of the L.A. County foster care system, have never been reunified with their birth family, adopted or found the love, support and guidance from a family most of us are blessed to have.

Leaving foster care without achieving permanence carries lifelong consequences. Only 55% will have a high school diploma, and only 4% will graduate college with a bachelor’s degree. Thirty-six percent will experience homelessness within the first 18 months, and 25% will be incarcerated within two years.

At FYI, we believe that every youth in the foster care system deserves a chance for a better life.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to equip foster youth to complete post-secondary education and become successful, independent adults.

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Our Services

Our Services

FYI provides Santa Clarita Valley’s transition age foster youth (age 16 to 25) with necessary services, support and resources to make sure they can access educational opportunities and reach their goals.

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Our Stories

Our Stories

Nineteen-year-old Addison* joined FYI in July when her boyfriend’s mom found FYI on social media. The oldest of five siblings, Addison first entered the foster care system at age 4.

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Our Impact


youth received one-on-one guidance and encouragement from a volunteer Ally

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graduations celebrated


youth secured safe and stable housing with help from FYI


youth received emergency financial assistance

Become an Ally

Become an Ally

Change the life of a foster youth by volunteering as an Ally. After completing our training and screening process, you will work one-on-one with an FYI youth to provide moral support, guidance and encouragement. Become the caring, consistent adult a youth needs to become independent and succeed in life!

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Are you a foster youth who lives or attends school in Santa Clarita?

Contact us to become part of our community.


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