Become an FYI Ally
FYI Allies have a unique opportunity to directly impact the lives of Santa Clarita’s transition-age foster youth (age 16 – 25) by becoming a consistent, caring adult they can rely upon. Allies will encourage youth, cheering them on as they work to complete a post-secondary education.
Anyone with a passion and a commitment to helping foster youth may apply to become an FYI Ally. Allies need to have access to a car and be able to show proof of state-required liability coverage, and must commit to local (Santa Clarita Valley) driving to fulfill Ally duties as needed. FYI Allies must also undergo a criminal background check to determine suitability of serving as a volunteer.
- Establish a relationship with your youth to better understand his or her needs and goals.
- Be a consistent person to rely on, providing comfort, encouragement and guidance through challenges, times of need and celebrations.
- Help your youth learn basic life skills, and introduce them to experiences they may have missed while growing up in foster care.
- Complete FYI’s pre-service training and attend our bi-monthly Ally support group, Coffee & Conversations, as often as possible.
- Commit to volunteering as an Ally for a minimum of one year.
- Meet with your student at least once per month (coffee, lunch, activity, appointment) and contact him or her via phone, text, or email at least once per week. Time commitment is estimated to be 8 to 10 hours per month.
- Attend FYI events, held approximately 3 times per year.
- Assist your student with achieving or modifying basic and realistic goals set with your FYI Youth/Ally Coordinator.
- Assist your student with making life decisions such as college selection, employment and housing.
- Assist your youth with budgeting and managing finances.
Steps to Becoming an Ally
- Contact us.
- Attend an Ally Training Session.
- Submit your volunteer application and signed Ally/Minor Policy.
- Provide proof of auto insurance.
- FYI will check your references.
- FYI will contact you and conduct a phone interview.
- FYI will email you the Live Scan form and instructions.
- Go to be Live Scanned. Once cleared, you are approved to be matched with a youth.
- Your Youth-Ally Coordinator will contact you with youth information and arrange your first meeting.